Sunday, March 31, 2013

Creating a simple Box

So the other day as I was waiting for my mirror to be cut, I went browsing in other stores till it was finished.  I went into a store and they had this great looking rectangular box. It was angled to almost look like a trough.  I loved it, but it was 50.00.  I am redoing somethings in my bathroom and thought it would be cute to put things like soaps towels, etc.  I cannot afford to spend $50.00 on a box.  I was working on my cabinet drawer fronts and went down in garage for some finishing nails and found these three pieces of wood.  I am not a carpenter, but I figured why not give it a try.  I started by using some wood glue and then using three screws to attach each piece.  (Yes I know its not the fancy way.  For those of us with really no skills, it works).  I then was trying to see what I had for the sides and found 2 wooden rulers.  I just cut them in half and attached with wood glue and finishing nails.  I then painted it with paint in my garage, 2 coats.  When it dried I sanded the edges and around that knot in the wood.  Then I applied finishing wax and after letting it sit 15 minutes I buffed it with a towel (One that does not leave lint).  There you go free wooden box.  Now is it as nice as the 50.00 one, no.  But I love the way mine turned out and even better, free

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