Saturday, April 13, 2013

Let there be light

I have absolutely no light in my backyard,  I am in the process of trying to figure out ways to make it happen.  All the hanging lanterns (that I like) run around $20.00 each.  I went to a thrift shop and found some glass jars around .50 to $1.00.  I purchased some chicken wire at home depot for less than $8.00.  It gave me more than I would need to do all my lights.  I basically built a cage around the glass to hold into place and created a handle.  You can either put real candles, battery operated candles, or a string of Christmas lights. I have not finished them all, but got a start, now if the weather would cooperate.
so much glass so little time

I already had the black holder,  I added the glasses .75 each. built a cage around the glass with chicken wire.

used Christmas lights in these

Decided I was tired of hanging plants on my shepherds hooks that die way to soon.  using them for my lights now.

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